Release 2.20 – Friday, November 11, 2016
Fixed Breaks Restrictions/Break Indicators
Step 1: Company Level
Fixed breaks will be defined at the company level, this change will allow Admins to create as many breaks as needed.
These breaks will be identified by custom labels that will be created.
Breaks can now be identified by “Type” which will specify if a break must be taken within a certain lapse of time (example: Shift 1 Lunch employees must take an hour break between 1:00PM and 2:00PM). If a break is chosen for a certain lapse of time, the option to deduct the designated break time if the employee doesn’t clock out can be enabled. You can also specify how much time is allowed to be paid for that lapse of time that is taken.
Breaks can also be identified with a certain frequency per day (example: Shift 1 Break employees must take a 15 min break, 2 times per day). Time restrictions can also be set up for each individual break. A minimum time set per frequency is set up, as well as the maximum time set per frequency.
Limit on the amount of time that will be paid per individual break can also be set up (example: 2 15 min breaks are required to be taken per day, employees are permitted to take up to a max of 45 min per day, but only 30 min will be paid per day).
Step 2: Pay Class Level
Once the breaks have been created they can now be assigned to different pay classes. In order to enable the fixed break restrictions on the individual pay classes you must do the following:
Under Lunch & Breaks, there is a question that will ask Do you want to automatically deduct lunch and breaks? For this question you must select NO in order to be able to set up the fixed break restrictions. Once this is selected, you can move into the Break Restriction specific settings:
- Pay Lunch and Breaks as regular worked hours: this feature works as it always has; if yes is selected, the paid lunch time will be calculated under the Regular Hours column on the employee’s time card. If no is selected on this option, all of the time will be calculated under the LBP (lunch break paid) column on the employee’s time card.
- Force to take all breaks before clock out: this feature will require all employees in this pay class to take all of their breaks before the time clock will allow them to clock out. Specific scenarios will have to be manually adjusted on the time clock in order to override this feature for special cases.
- Infer if possible: this feature will indicate to the clock if the buttons will appear on the clock or not. If infer if possible is selected, and the clock is able to infer what action the employee is going to take and just capture the punch. If the clock is not able to infer, the indicators will appear on the clock. If Infer if Possible is not selected, the buttons will always appear on the clock.
- Use grace period: the grace period is a pay class level setting, which will apply to ALL breaks. This grace period will allow employees to clock out for their break early (within the grace period time) and clock back in late from their break (within grace period time)
Break Indicators will also be available in order for the employee to indicate to the software what action they will be taking (taking lunch, taking break, clocking in, clocking out). This will indicate to the software that it will no longer need to infer what the employees are doing based on their punches. The punch indicators will be customizable based on the labels that each break is assigned in the company settings. The break indicators will only appear for the employees assigned to a pay class who will not be inferring the break punches.
- When assigning a pay class to a schedule (to override the default pay class) this pay class MUST have the same break rules as the default pay class.
- The pay class will not allow for overlapping breaks to be assigned.
Email Notifications without Schedules
NOTE: Please contact Easy Clocking to enable the Email Notification feature
Customers will now be able to set up notifications for employee punches without the requirement of having schedules created. In this new feature, customers will have the ability to set the start and end time for their work week with an offset time to receive the notifications. These notifications will show who is present based on the “Start Offset” and who is still working past the established end time based on the “End Offset”
The email notifications can be found by going to SETTINGS > GENERAL > ALERTS & NOTIFICATIONS
To create the notification for Who is Present the following steps will need to be followed:
- Set the Start and End time for your work week (this section is in 24 hour format)
- Set the days that fall in this work week
- Specify the offset time (when you want to receive the notification) For example: this shift begins at 9:00 AM and the start offset is set up for 10 min, this means the email notification will be sent out at 9:10 AM. This shift is set to end at 5:00 PM (17:00) and the end offset is set up for 15 min, this means the email notification will be sent at 5:15 PM (17:15). Offset notification times can also be set to negatives. This will create a notification a certain amount time BEFORE the specified start time and end time for the work week. For example: this shift begins at 9:00 AM, if you set up an offset for -10 it will send the notification at 8:50 AM.
- Create a subject line for the email notifications.
Last, the email recipients will need to be created. Several recipients can be created per notification. The email notifications will be sent out on a per LOCATION basis.
- Click on the
icon to create a new email recipient
- Enter the email address and an alias for this email recipient
- Select the location(s) that will be included in this notification, also select the location(s) that will be excluded from this notification. To select more than one, you can hold down the “ctrl” button as you select the locations.
- Click on ACCEPT to save the list.