Release 2.16 – Friday, March 11, 2016
Release 2.16 Instructions
Project Classifications
You can now apply a category toward Projects and specify whether it is a “Capitalized” Project or not. This is something that can be enabled via the main Settings tab.
To enable, navigate to
1. Settings
2. Projects and Jobs
3. Enable Job Tracking Level to “Yes”
4. Enable the third checkmark option “Show projects and jobs category”
5. Click Save
In order to apply the category to any one Project, navigate to
1. Job Tracking
2. Projects
3. Click on Create a Project
o Fill in the Project #
o Add a Project Name
o Select a Client
o Specify whether the Project is Capitalized or not
Once the Project has been added, this can be edited at any time.
Timesheet Bulk Approval
You can now approve Employee Timesheets in bulk.
To approve Timesheets in Bulk, navigate to
To approve Timesheets in Bulk, navigate to
1. Timesheets
2. Pending Approval
3. To approve Timesheets in bulk, select Bulk Approval
o You will be prompted to confirm the Bulk Approval process; select Yes or No to continue.
If you select Yes, any Employee Timesheets displayed on the main screen will be approved.
Accrual with a past start date
The Easyclocking software now allows you to back-date the Accrual process. For example, if you are beginning to use the software at a midway point throughout the year and your Employee’s accrual began January 1st, you can set the start-date as January 1st and accrual process will continue according to the rules specified.
Note: Currently this can only be applied toward Accrual by Time
Exact Value for Accrual Carryover
You can now carry over an exact amount of accrued time as opposed to a percentage.
To specify an exact amount of carryover, navigate to
1. Dashboard
2. Paid Time Off
3. Select Employee
4. Select the Absence Type for which you would like to start Accruing hours toward
o At the bottom of the configuration window, you have the option to specify Carryover rules
o Choose whether you would like to “Use percent” or “Use value”
o Enter the amount
5. Click “Start Accruing” to begin the accrual process
Note: Currently this can only be applied toward Accrual by Time
Decimal Accuracy for Accrual
We have increased the amount of decimal places for absence accrual to 4.
Example: 0.1234 whereas before, you could only accrue up to two decimal places.
This value can be edited under the main Settings. Navigate to:
1. Settings
2. Absence Types
3. Select absence type
4. Edit decimal place value
5. Click Save to apply
When creating Accrual Rules under Paid Time Off, the decimal place value for that absence will be the value specified in the Settings.
Changes to Holiday Absence type
In this release, we have included the option to count Holiday hours as regular pay. You also have the option to count these hours toward weekly Overtime pay.
To enable this option, navigate to:
1. Settings
2. Absence Types
3. Select Holiday from the left-side menu
4. At the bottom of the window, you can choose to “Count Hours toward Overtime” and “Pay worked hours as OT.”
5. Click Save
Anniversary Report
You can now generate an Anniversary report for the Employee, according to their specified hire-date. The report will tell you how long (in years) the Employee has been working for the company.
To generate this report, navigate to
1. Reports
2. General
3. From the Report Type drop-down menu, select Anniversaries
4. Select the Employee(s)
5. Click View
Terminated/Inactive Employees
A report for Inactive and Terminated Employees is now available.
1. To generate this report, navigate to
2. Reports
3. General
4. From the Report Type drop-down menu, select Inactive Employees
5. Select the Employee(s)
6. Click View
This report will include all Inactive and/or Terminated employees
Weekly Schedule Report
You can now generate a Weekly Schedule Report that will include the location, time and job that the Employee has been specified to work under.
To generate this Report, navigate to
1. Reports
2. Schedule
3. From the Report Type drop-down menu, select Weekly Schedule
4. Select the Employee(s)
5. Click View