Release 2.11 – Saturday, August 1, 2015
Project and Job Selection – For Employee Portal and Creating Schedules on the Fly
An employee using the PC Clock now has the option to specify punching in and out with a particular Job Code and/or Project, according to the Job or Project they are currently working on.
Easy Clocking now allows an administrator or a manager to specify Projects and Jobs when creating an employee schedule.
To enable this feature, navigate to:
- Settings
- General
- Projects & Jobs
- Select the Job tracking level – Yes or No
- Select where in the Software you would like to apply this feature.
- Show in Employee Portal and/or
- Show when creating Schedules
- Click Save
Employee View:
When an employee logs into their portal to clock in or clock out, they will now be able to view two new drop-down menus, one for Projects and another one for Job Codes. They will select the corresponding codes for the Job Code/Project they are working at that time.
1. My Dashboard
2. My Timecard
3. Select the Projects and/or Job Codes that the employee will clock in or out of. 4. Click Clock In/Clock Out
Administrative View/Creating Schedule on the Fly:
Navigate to:
- Dashboard
- Schedules
- Select User from Employee List
- Follow the Schedules tab to the right and click Schedule Options
- Click Create Schedules
We have changed the window that appears when creating a schedule.
Now, when an administrator is creating a schedule, a window appears where the administrator will navigate through 4 different tabs, selecting the corresponding settings to the schedule being created.
- Schedule User Window
The first tab displays the employee(s) selected.
- You are then prompted to select the location for where the employee(s) will be scheduled to work.
- Click Next to proceed
The second tab prompts the administrator to “Select the Recurrence Pattern.”
- Choose from Daily, Weekly or Monthly for the recurrence.
- Now, “Select the start & end date” for the schedule.
- Finally, “Select the shift” the employee will be working. You also have the option on this window to create a NEW shift for the system. Simply, click the checkmark box for New, found under the “select a shift” option, and a slot will open for you to create a shift.
7. Click Next to proceed
The third tab gives the administrator the option to select a different Pay Class from the employee’s default pay class. You can also select a Pay differential here, IF the employee pay rate differs from their default.
8. Click Next to proceed
The fourth tab prompts you to select the Project and select the Job that will be assigned to this schedule
9. Click Create when finished.
Absence request EMAIL Notification for Administrator
We have now included the option for there to be email communication between an employee and their administrator/manager. An employee would submit an absence request, specifying the absence type, the reason for the absence and any additional notes, through their employee portal. Their administrator will then receive an Email with all of this information. Once received, the administrator will know to log into their software, and either approve or disapprove the employee’s request. Once the administrator approves/disapproves of this, the employee will then receive an email notification with the response.
Notification to Administrator of Absence. Includes the name of the employee sending request, the absence type, the dates being requested and the reason for the request.
Notification to employee. Title of email displays whether the absence request was approved or disapproved. Includes Username of the Admin who approved and the date of the approval/disapproval.
Delete schedule by Selection
When modifying/removing schedules for employees, an administrator may now delete specific days within the schedule. For example, if an employee has been scheduled for a whole week, the administrator can now choose to delete a single day, such as Wednesday for a Monday-Friday schedule, as opposed to having to clear the whole week and re-create the schedule over from scratch.
Navigate to:
- Dashboard
- Schedules
- Select User from Employee List
- Follow the Schedules tab to the right and click Schedule Option
- Click Delete Schedules
5. A window will appear.
- Employee(s) that you have selected
- Select the Shift that you are deleting
- Select the Day(s) of the week that you would like to delete.
- Select the Start & End date time frame that contains the schedule you would like to modify.
- Click Delete
Accrual Qualifying Hours
When assigning accrual rules to an employee, you now have the option to specify what type of hours you would like the employee to accrue. You can select and specify one, two or all of three options.
- Accrue from Regular hours
- Accrue from Overtime hours
- Accrue from Double Time hours
Navigate to:
1. Dashboard Tab
2. Paid Time Off
3. Select Employee
4. Click Create Accrual Rules
5. Accrual Window (For instructions on how to configure all accrual settings,
follow Accruing Benefit Time )
6. Specify the type of Hours you would like to accrue (Choose from Regular,
Overtime and/or Double Time)
7. Click Start Accruing Hours
Bulk Job Assign
Under Job tracking, you can now assign specific Job Codes to a specific Project in bulk.
Navigate to
- Job Tracking
- Projects Tab
- Select the Project from the list
- Click Assign Jobs
- Assign Jobs to a Project
- Only the Jobs that have not been already assigned will appear in the list.
- Select the Job(s) you would like to assign. You can hold control on the keyboard to select multiple Jobs from the list.
- Verify whether the employee will be using the Job Rate or the Specified Rate.
6. Click Assign
Bulk Timecard Approval
An administrator now has the option to approve time cards in bulk.
Navigate to:
1. Dashboard
2. Timecards
3. Follow the Timecard tab all the way to the right and select Timecard Settings
4. Click on Bulk Approval
5. A window will appear where the administrator will then be able to select and specify the location(s) AND/OR department(s) that pertain to the employees who’s timecards are being approved.
6. Click Accept to apply the approval.
Once the timecards have been approved from the Dashboard tab, a window will appear stating how many timecards were successfully approved, and how many were not reviewed to begin with, thus resulting in these timecards not being approved.
NOTE: The employee timecard MUST have been reviewed by a manager prior to being bulk-approved by an administrator.
Show Original vs Extended Schedule for Out of Shift
In the past, when out of shift was approved, the employee’s original schedule would automatically be changed to coincide with the new approved times.
For example: If the employee was actually Scheduled to work from 9:00am – 6:00pm, but clocked in at 8:55am and clocked out at 6:05pm, they would have 10 total minutes of out of shift time. If the out of shift time was approved to be counted as regular time by the administrator, the schedule would no longer read 9:00am – 6:00pm, it would read 8:55am – 6:05pm.
Now, an administrator has the option to choose whether they want to view the modified schedule of the employee, AFTER approving out of shift, OR view the original, untouched schedule even though out of shift has been approved.
Navigate to:
1. Settings
2. General
3. Pay Setting
4. Show Original Hours
- Selecting Yes Will continue show the ORIGINAL schedule of the employee,\
regardless of there being approved out of shift.
- Selecting No Will show the modified schedule, after out of shift has been approved.
5. Save
For example:
This employee has 00:30 minutes of out of shift time approved for June 10th, 2015. Her usual hours are from 8:00am – 5:00pm. For the 10th, now she has been approved for 8:00am – 5:30pm.
Note the user’s schedule:
For June 10th, 2015, her schedule now reads 8:00am – 5:30pm because we chose “No” in the option to Show original schedule hours. Had we chosen “Yes,” then her schedule would have continued to read 8:00am – 5:00pm, as originally assigned by the employee’s administrator, despite having approved the 00:30 minutes.
New Report – Timecard Approval Status
This new report can be used to see the approval status of employees. The report works in conjunction with the new feature for ‘Bulk Approval.’
See Below:
The software now allows an administrator to approve all reviewed employee timecards, in bulk. Once the timecards have been approved from the Dashboard tab, a window will appear stating how many timecards were successfully approved, and how many were not reviewed to begin with, thus resulting in these timecards not being approved.
If you would like a report that states how many employee timecards were approved by manager, vs. pending review, navigate to
- Reports
- Timecards
- Report Type: Approval Status
- Select desired employee(s)
- Click View
The Report will populate in the same window or in a new tab depending on your Report Settings.
The Report will display the employee ID number, corresponding employee name, the status of the employee’s timecard and whether it was reviewed and thereafter approved by a manager, or whether it has not been reviewed by a manager yet, thus resulting in a pending review status.
Note: If you have given your employee access to their own portal login, they too have the option to review their timecards.
Employee Fingerprint Enrolled Report
We now have a Report that provides a count of enrolled employee fingerprints. The Report states how many fingerprints, if any at all, are enrolled per employee. I.e. If there are no prints enrolled for any one particular employee, they will receive a count of 0 prints.
To view this Report, navigate to:
- Reports
- General
- Report Type: User Fingerprints
- Fingerprints: Select from – All, No Fingerprints, With Fingerprints
- Select all or specific employee(s)
- Click View
The Report displays the User ID, corresponding employee name, enrolled fingerprint count, and the department that the employee pertains to.
Generated Report: