Job Costing Reports: Summary
The summary job code report will display the total amount of hours recorded for all jobs worked during the selected period, and it includes the following: (See picture below)
- Pay period selected.
- Job Codes and Job Names.
- Regular, OT, DT hours for each job.
- Total hours recorded for the selected period for each job.
- Total amount of money spent for the selected period for each job.
- Total of hours between all jobs for the selected period.
- Total amount of money spent for the selected period for all job combined.
How to generate job code summary reports:
- Click on Reports then click on Jobs.
- From the report type drop down, select Summary.
- Confirm that the correct start and end date are selected.
- Select the employees from the list. You could use the filter options to select a group of employees or narrow your selecting down by departments.
- Then click View, and the report will be generated on reports in frame to the right or in a new browser window depending on the settings applied.